Amla (Indian Gooseberry) and its Benefits

Indian Gooseberry Amla

Indian Gooseberry is also called Amla, Amlaki, Amlaka, Phyllanthus Emblica, Emblica Officinalis, and Emblic Myrobalans. The plant grows into a middle-sized tree. The tree is found mostly in the Indian subcontinent and middle-east countries. Moreover, its fruit, seed, flowers, leaves, bark, and root are used in traditional medicines like Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha. Moreover, it is one of the oldest plants used for medical purposes.

Amla – Indian Gooseberry Nutrition Facts

First, let us have a look into its Nutrition facts.

Amla fruit is a rich source of vitamin C and Vitamin A. It contains Vitamin C that is equal to 20 oranges. No wonder it is called a superfruit. Moreover, Vitamin C in Indian Gooseberry is more quickly assimilated in the body than the synthetic vitamin.

Likewise, it has a modest quantity of different nutrients like Vitamin B and Vitamin E. Moreover, It is also a good source of Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, and dietary fiber.

Moreover, it is high in bioflavonoids like ellagic acid, gallic acid, and rutin. These are effective anti-oxidants that provide a profound degree of cell protection.

The following table depicts the detailed break-up of nutrition facts in every hundred grams of Indian Gooseberry.

Nutrition ParameterValues
Total Calories44 (184 kJ)
Protein0.9 g
Water87.9 g
Ash0.5 g
Total Carbohydrate10.2 g
Dietary Fiber4.2 g
Total Fat0.6 g
Total Omega-3 Fatty Acids46.0 mg
Total Omega-6 Fatty Acids271 mg
Total Trans-fatty AcidsNil
Vitamin A290 IU
Vitamin C27.7 mg
Vitamin E0.4 mg
Niacin0.3 mg
Vitamin B60.1 mg
Folate6.0 mcg
Pantothenic Acid0.3 mcg
Calcium25.0 mg
Magnesium10.0 mg
Phosphorus27.0 mg
Potassium198.0 mg
Iron0.3 mg
Sodium1.0 mg
Zinc0.1 mg
Selenium0.6 mcg

However, the Vitamin C content may vary among the Amla fruits found in different geographical regions. For example, the fruit found in Kanchanaburi Province in Thailand contains the highest level of Vitamin C (575±452mg/100g).

Amla in Ayurveda

Amla is widely used in Ayurveda from time immemorial. For instance, it is the main ingredient of Chyawanprash, the traditional immunity booster. Ayurveda calls the fruit Dhatri which means mother or nurse. This is because the fruit takes care of the person who consumes it just like a mother takes care of a child.

Taste (Rasa)sour, astringent, sweet, bitter, and pungent.
Nature (Veerya)Cooling
Post Digestive Taste (Vipaka)Sweet
Quality (Guna)Light, Dry
Effect on Humor (Dosha)Controls Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

The following Ayurvedic formulations use Amla as the main ingredient.

  1. Chyawanprash
  2. Amlaki Rasayana
  3. Brahma Rasayana
  4. Dhatri Rasayana
  5. Nishamlaki

Additionally, there are many more formulations that contain Indian Gooseberry. For example, Triphala is a widely used Ayurvedic combination.

The above formulations are mainly used for their immunomodulatory, anti-aging, and rejuvenating properties. Also, these Ayurvedic formulations nourish the skin and hair. Heart Patients should not use them without professional advice.

The following are some of the traditional remedies. Please note that the details are given here for information purposes only. You should consult your doctor before taking any formulation.

Health ConditionUsage
Blood SugarDried Amla powder with bitter gourd juice
High CholesterolAmla Powder 500mg capsule
HypertensionAmla Choorna or Triphala tablets (contains Amla)
AnemiaVitamin C in Amla helps to absorb iron
CoughAmla Juice or Powder with water thrice daily
Menstrual DisordersPowdered Amla seeds

Amla – Indian Gooseberry Benefits

The benefits of Amla are countless. For instance, it is beneficial to health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, anemia, jaundice, and many more. Next, let us look at the major health aspects of Indian Gooseberries.

Amla and Diabetes

The compounds that present in Amla like gallic acid, ellagic acid, and gallotannin are responsible for their anti-diabetic properties.

Additionally, a study conducted by M.S.Akhtar on Type 2 diabetic patients receiving Amla powder found a significant decrease in fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels as against baseline values. Likewise, another study by MA Elobeid and EA Ahmed concludes that the antidiabetic efficacy of Amla showed a better potential than metformin, the medication used in the treatment of diabetes.

Furthermore, taking Amla Juice with Bitter Gourd Juice daily for two months stimulates the Pancreas that helps to secret insulin.

Additionally, there are many studies suggesting that Indian Gooseberry prevents the complications like diabetic neuropathy and diabetes-induced heart dysfunction in type 2 diabetic patients. The strong free radical scavenging activity of Emblica Officinalis and its ability to reduce oxidative stress are the reasons behind its anti-diabetic properties.

Amla and Cardiac Health

In fact, a recent study found that Indian Gooseberry supplementation in rats reduces cardiac tissue necrosis and inflammatory cells. Moreover, the supplementation ameliorates fibrosis and excess collagen deposit in the left ventricle of the heart.

Also, a study by Jeevangi Santhoshkumar et al shows that the fruit has anti-hyperlipidemic, hypolipidemic, and anti-atherogenic properties which are conducive for a healthy heart. Above all, a study published in National Medicine Journal shows that Emblica Officinalis shows a significant impact on lipid profiles by a significant increase in HDL Cholesterol. Also, there is a notable reduction in LDL and LDL/HDL ratio. Will Amla Become the Next Weapon Against Heart Disease?

Likewise, many recent studies show the cardio-protective aspect of Indian Gooseberry.

Indian Gooseberry and Liver Health

Indeed, liver diseases affect nearly 10% of the world population. Of course, the usage of pharmacological therapies for extended periods imparts systemic toxicity. Also, it is a well-documented fact that oxidative stress plays a major role that contributes to the initiation and progression of liver damage. Hence, anti-oxidant therapy by using natural antioxidants is one of the reasonable approaches for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases.

Amla fruit is traditionally used for enlarged liver and liver revitalizing. Additionally, there are evidence-based hepatoprotective properties of Indian Gooseberries. In fact, many studies have shown that the fruit is effective in preventing and ameliorating the effects of hepatotoxic agents like paracetamol, ethanol, carbon tetrachloride, heavy metals, and iron overload. Moreover, its ability to mitigate hyperlipidemia and metabolic syndrome has beneficial effects on liver health.

Also, the fruit possesses protective properties against chemical-induced liver cancer.

Moreover, these liver-friendly effects of the fruit are intervened essentially by its properties of free radical scavenging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and lipid metabolism.

Indian Gooseberry and Cancer

A review article by Baliga et al shows that Amla extract significantly reduces solid tumors. Furthermore, the compounds present in the fruit extract are effective in inhibiting the proliferation of neoplastic cells. Additionally, the compounds possess anti-proliferative effects against many types of cancer cell lines. Moreover, the fruit has the ability to decrease the ill effects of radiation. In other words, the fruit has radio-protective effects. Also, experiments have shown that Amla protects against chemical-induced carcinogenesis and oxidative stress.

Other Health Benefits of Amla

Other benefits include its immunomodulatory effects. Immunomodulation is a process of altering immunity either by stimulating or by suppressing the immunity and thereby normalizing it. In fact, synthetic drugs used for this purpose often have side effects and allergic reactions. Many studies show that Amla is effective in preventing bacterial colonization. Hence, its antibacterial and antifungal effects are well documented. A high score of Vitamin C and a wide range of phytochemical components are reasons for its immunomodulatory effects.

Yet another notable benefit of the fruit is its anti-aging properties. Anti-oxidants prevent premature aging. Especially, Vitamin C protects your skin by brightening your complexion and decreasing hyperpigmentation. Hence, it protects your skin from free radicals (wrinkles and sunspots), aging, and pollution.

Also, there is experimental evidence that shows the beneficial effects of Amla in the following health conditions.

  1. Respiratory disorders
  2. Eye disorders
  3. Rheumatism
  4. Scurvy
  5. Anemia
  6. Menstrual disorders
  7. Diarrhea and dysentery
  8. Hair Tonic

Amla Side Effects

It is possibly safe when taken orally at doses up to 1 gm daily. However, some Ayurvedic formulations that contain Amla have been linked to liver damage. There is no evidence that suggests any adverse effects when consuming Amla alone. Therefore, it is likely safe for most people.


The beneficial effects of traditional usage of Indian Gooseberry are validated by many preclinical studies. In fact, the experiments have shown that the wonder fruit essentially possesses antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, hypolipidemic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, antipyretic, anti-anemic, and antiatherogenic properties. Additionally, the superfruit has cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, neuroprotective, gastroprotective, and immunomodulatory properties. This list is not exhaustive. Yes, it provides more health benefits.

So Ayurveda has incorporated this marvelous fruit as the main ingredient in many of its formulations.

Adding this fruit to your diet guarantees better health. Additionally, you could prevent and ameliorate many life-threatening diseases. Moreover, there are no side effects in doing so.

Do you think of including this wonder fruit in your daily diet?