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What to Take for Sore Throat

Foods for sore throat

A sore throat makes it difficult to eat as it can cause pain when you chew and swallow certain foods. Obviously, you have this question: What to take for Sore Throat? Fortunately, there are foods you may eat that not…

Best 5 Exercises for Stress and Anxiety

Stress Management

Overview The effect of physical exercise in the management of stress and Anxiety conditions has been well examined and documented. Studies on the post-fitment measures confirmed the effectiveness of aerobic exercises. Subjects undergoing exercises showed less stress than others. (Richar…

Can Yoga Help with Weight Loss?

yoga and weight loss

Yoga and Weight Loss Yoga teachers are often asked about the link between yoga and weight loss. After all, yoga has a tendency to be marketed as being for fit, thin individuals with excellent lean muscular strength. In reality, yoga…